============ Installation ============ Do everything listed in this section to get your site up and running locally. If you run into problems, see the Troubleshooting section. Pre-requisites ============== Mac OS X 10.6 ------------- Download and install setuptools from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools. Setuptools gives you easy_install. Then run the following commands:: easy_install pip pip install virtualenv Ubuntu (10+ / Lucid or Higher) -------------------------------- Install the following:: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev libpq-dev sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install virtualenv Windows 7 --------- Download and install Python 2.6 or 2.7 using the Windows 32-bit installer from http://www.python.org/download/. Even if you're on a 64-bit system, 32-bit is recommended (Michael Foord told me this). Download and install setuptools from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools. Setuptools gives you easy_install. Install MinGW from http://www.mingw.org/. Add the bin/ directory of your MinGW installation to your PATH environment variable (under Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Environment variables). Create or open C:\\Python26\\Lib\\distutils\\distutils.cfg (Note: this may be inside the Python27 directory if you're using Python 2.7). Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:: [build] compiler=mingw32 Open up a command prompt. Install pip and virtualenv:: easy_install pip pip install virtualenv Other operating systems (including various Linux flavors) --------------------------------------------------------- No. See the faq_. Main instructions ================= These instructions install OpenComparison on your computer, using PostgreSQL and sample data. Git clone the project and install requirements ------------------------------------------------ Create a virtualenv, activate it, git clone the OpenComparison project, and install its requirements:: cd virtualenv env-oc source env-oc/bin/activate git clone git@github.com:opencomparison/opencomparison.git opencomparison cd opencomparison pip install -r requirements.txt Set up server specific settings ------------------------------- Don't change ``settings/base.py``. Instead extend it as you see in ``settings/heroku.py``. In the new file make the following specifications: OPTIONAL! You can enable launchpad support in the local settings file. Launchpad's dependencies can be a little fussy, so this will probably require some additional tweaking on your part:: LAUNCHPAD_ACTIVE = False Add a Google Analytics code if you have one:: URCHIN_ID = "UA-YOURID123-1" Setup your email settings:: DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'Your Name ' EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[Your Site Name] ' Change the ``SECRET_KEY`` setting in ```local_settings.py``` to your own secret key:: SECRET_KEY = "CHANGE-THIS-KEY-TO-SOMETHING-ELSE" Set up your PostgreSQL database ------------------------------- Set up PostgreSQL and create a database as per the postgresql_ contributor instructions. Make your database: .. sourcecode:: bash $ python manage.py syncdb --settings=settings. $ python manage.py migrate --settings=settings. OPTIONAL! Load some base data for development usage. This should not be loaded on the production site: .. sourcecode:: bash $ python manage.py loaddata --settings=settings. Load the site in your browser ----------------------------- Run the development server:: python manage.py runserver --settings=settings. Then point your browser to Give yourself an admin account on the site ------------------------------------------ Create a Django superuser for yourself, replacing joe with your username/email:: python manage.py createsuperuser --username=joe --email=joe@example.com .. _PostgreSQL: postgresql_contributor_instructions.html .. _faq: http://opencomparison.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq.html